Hometask for 07.03- 11.03

Work with your partner. Read the conversation below between the waitress  and
her friend Helen (H). Choose the correct word to complete seven more idioms (1-7).

H: How was work tonight?
W: Mad as usual. Over-booked with two waiters off sick.
H: Oh no, sounds like (1) a recipe / dish for disaster.
W: Exactly. Then r dropped a whole tray of glasses.
H: Oh poor you. r bet you felt really embarrassed.
W: I did. I (2) went as red as a beetroot / tomato.
H: Was Chef his usual bad-tempered self?
W: No, actually he was (3) as nice as sugar / pie.
r think he’s got a new girlfriend.
H: Oh, come on, (4) spill the soup / beans. Who is she?
W: Well, there’s this new waitress. She’s just finished
university and wants to earn some money to go
H: Well, she’ll have to earn some good tips because the
restaurant (5) pays peanuts / parsnips.
W: I know – but she’s (6) a smart souffle / cookie.
She’ll be fine. Anyway, last week …

Underline the correct alternatives.
Some friends and I (1) were deciding / decided to explore the forest on the north-east coast of Australia. I was the experienced one – I (2) travelled / had travelled around the world, and my friends (3) were counting / had counted on me. After all, I (4) was living / had been living in Australia for ages. As soon as we arrived, I (5) picked / had picked up a long stick and marched purposefully into the rainforest. As I (6) was cutting / had been cutting my way through the forest I (7) heard / had heard the sound of a large animal. And it (8) was coming / had
been coming towards me! Was it a wild pig? Or a crocodile!? Suddenly, it appeared – a giant lizard. My friend and I (9) looked / had looked at each other for one second. Our other friends, who (10) put / had been putting up the tent, (11) were hearing / heard me before they (12)were seeing / saw me. I came running out of the forest screaming like a baby, effectively ending my reputation as an intrepid explorer.

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the gerund or infinitive form.
a) I’ll never forget seeing the first moon landing. 

b) I always stop to buy a newspaper before my English class.
c) I never forget to call my mum on her birthday. 

d) I’ve tried eating seafood but I really don’t like it.
e) I’ll never stop loving Elvis Presley. 

f) I tried passing my driving test, but after six attempts I finally gave up.